- 会社名
- 株式会社デルタ四国
- 代表者
- 白石 景子
- 高松本社
- 〒760-0078
FAX:087-802-1019 - 丸亀支店(サテライト)
- 〒763-0034
香川県丸亀市大手町2-4-24 大手町ビル4F
FAX:0877-85-7978 - 設立年月日
- 令和4年5月20日
- 資本金
- 2,000万円
- 労働者派遣事業許可番号
- 派 37-300281
- 有料職業事業許可番号
- 37-ユ-300182
- Pマーク登録番号
- 第27000297(1)号
- 登録支援機関登録番号
- 22登-007706

代表取締役 白石 景子
I have been with DELTAGROUP for 10 years and as a branch manager for 6 years, I have worked with many companies and job seekers in Kagawa Prefecture.
I have been involved in the temporary staffing business for 15 years now, and while the way we work has changed dramatically with the times, I have always tried to provide support that is close to the needs of each and every one of our employees.
I will continue to visit the field, listen to the voices of the people, and be a company that can be counted on in times of need. We believe that our mission is to make Delta Shikoku a company that can be relied upon in times of need and a company that provides happiness to its employees and their families.
In addition, as Japan's working population continues to decline, we have also strengthened our efforts to bridge the gap between global human resources and Japanese companies. Our experienced and professional employees provide one-stop service, including securing talented and ready-to-work personnel from overseas and supporting them before and after they are accepted.
With the new start of Delta Shikoku, all of us at Delta Shikoku are committed to becoming a comprehensive human resource service specializing in the Shikoku region and valuing human connections.
Representative Keiko Shiraishi